The Link | March 2018

March 2018 Spring Edition

Spring is in the air! Warmth, sunshine and spring showers are on the way. In this issue, we look closer at our spring calendar and share some tools to help you celebrate good nutrition and gardening this spring! We also share some tips for reducing sugar by replacing grain based desserts with CACFP credible options.. Additionally, you will find tips to help maximize your CACFP claims and resources to make participation easier to manage. You will find all of this and much more in this edition of The Link.

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“The Link” is a top-notch child care resource for child care and child nutrition related information. The Link features fun and exciting new CACFP credible meals and snack ideas, menu planning, tips for maximizing your CACFP reimbursements, making your monitoring reviews go as smoothly as possible and much much more. Subscribe today, its 100% free!

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