- Farm to Childcare -
Childcare providers have a unique opportunity to help lower the obesity rates of children. Many childcare providers feed children two or more meals a day. If given the resources, childcare providers can model and inspire healthy food choices in children.
- Frequently Asked Questions -
Taking Root Together is focused on improving children’s food choices by bringing gardening opportunities to childcare settings and families. The primary goal is to empower young people and inspire healthy food choices in the children of Tennessee and Kentucky. Taking Root Together aims to:
- Increase consumption of fruits & vegetables
- Make children more comfortable with trying new fruits and vegetables
- Increase access to healthy food resources and garden-education material
- Reconnect children with the source of raw foods
- Prepare preschoolers for K-12, Farm to School activities
Taking Root Together provides gardening supplies and educational resources to area childcare providers and families who fit certain eligibility criteria. Our staff installs a raised garden bed, fills it with nutrient rich top soil then sows the seeds that will produce nutritious fruits and vegetables for years to come. In addition, gardening tools and equipment are provided with a garden to fork themed preschool curriculum that helps reinforce the gardening concepts with young children.
Taking Root Tennessee in currently partnered with over 35 area childcare homes and centers in the State of Tennessee. In order to be eligible for the program, participants must meet 5 eligibility requirements.
- CACFP Participant (Child & Adult Care Food Program)
Child care sites must serve nutritious meals credible under the Child & Adult Care Food Program guidelines. - Physical Space
Minimum, 24 square foot plot on semi-flat ground - Home Owner/Permission
Proof of ownership or have agreement on file with home owner/community development organization - Geographic
Located in State of Tennessee or Kentucky - Income (Child Care Homes Only)
Have children living in your home who qualify for Free and Reduced Price School Meals under the National School Lunch Program.
- Community Support -
Henderson Family Magazine Article - June 2022
- Upcoming Events -
No Events